KK & Associates.

Linkbuilding and SEO department, former KK & Associate’s now Kassander.media was organized to give our clients a better experience and more value out of their newly built websites. So through backlinks, we help our clients rank number 1# on Google. Therefore increased Domain Authority your Google ranking will increase.

Linkbuilding & SEO
Linkbuilding & SEO

The Objective.

In addition, my objective was to build trust through videos and illustrations and showcase our message with an eye-catching call to action. For instance, I inserted my calendar and made sure it was optimized for lead generation.

Problems Addressed.

Calendar Insert

We made inquiries an option to get more leads through our pipeline. So we inserted a calendar, where you can book a discovery call. True it can be tricky, but we managed to bring our seamless Calendly link live on the website because having a booking-in (opt-in) feature is essential for lead generation.


Every high-performing page needs content. So writing compelling copy helps your rankings and performance too, and it’s almost an art in itself and it helps people to understand the very complicated matter of link building.

To conclude, a well-executed website promotes and serves our clients a top-notch linkbuilding and SEO optimization services. If you are interested in launching a new aspect of your business or service, contact us and we can help you build a seamless website, with a beautiful design!

What We Did

UI/UX Design

Design & Development


Web Development
